What got me interested in CyberSecurity? (Part 2)

Quick Recap In the last post, I talked about the first time I was introduced to exploiting and working my way around a system so I could not only play my favorite game but also have an advantage at it. That was just my first taste! In this post, I’ll be talking about what solidified … Read More

What got me interested in CyberSecurity?

This question warrants a multi-part answer. So many things contributed to my love of Cysec. I couldn’t just narrow it down to one. So I’ll be sharing several instances and “awakenings” of my journey. Think… How does the stereotypical ‘hacker’ get his or her start? Huddled up in their mom’s basement cracking OSRS? Or how … Read More


What is funware? It’s malware but without the bad rep. I love to create fun scripts and files to prank my friends. Whether that be shutting off their computer or RRS’ing (Rick-Roll Spamming) their web browser to kingdom come, anything that is light-hearted and not intended to cause reprimandable damage is the way I like … Read More

What Is CysecTools.com?

In short, CysecTools.com is a site you’d go to for newly made security tools and blogs related to cybersecurity. This site is for Cybersecurity enthusiasts with a key focus on security tools. Get to know some of the most popular tools such as NMAP, METASPLOIT, WIRESHARK, and more! CysecTools.com was created by a guy passionate … Read More